
If the United States sent a brief year-end summary, we think this is what it might say. The letter may be eXtraordinary and eXtra special, but it definitely is not X-rated. ...

Unfortunately for voters, one thing the political parties have in common these days is that their leaders tend to employ the same game plan for winning. The play they both call most often seems designed to make all of us angry. ...

Gather the family, pass the turkey, give thanks to God, and take some time to reflect on all the good things in our world. That’s what we will do here at Principle Based Politics. ...

The 2024 presidential race is beginning. A couple of guys in Florida are interested in running, but there are many women and men in other states who we expect to campaign for the White House, as well. Here is a list....

As we go to the polls and then watch the vote tallies roll in, it is important to remember the significance of this process. We have the privilege of participating in and benefitting from democracy in action, regardless of whether we love a specific outcome....

During 30 days on the continent of his ancestors, a political blogger naturally thinks about how living in our current nation is better or worse than living “over there.” Here is a returned traveler’s brief assessment of European life, politics, and more....

The best way to avoid embarrassing mistakes in voting is by focusing on the principles a candidate would embrace once in office. Today’s blog post draws lessons from a half-century of political history in a quick look backward, forward, and onward to this year’s elections....

WHAT:  A free, informative one-hour panel discussion.   WHEN:  Nov. 1, 2022, 7 p.m. Central.  RECORDING: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SqJ_l-CzH7kLc26_-eGUYWpATyEOvtcB/view?usp=drive_webEVENT OVERVIEW:  Voters may be frustrated by their choices in the upcoming elections. In this timely webinar, we heard voter-focused solutions from panelists Chris McCullough and Joel Stegman, along with moderator...

In politics, there is a lot of judging going on--condemnation, half-truths, and especially partisan innuendo. Then there is the very act of judgment through voting. Accordingly, this blogger will take some time over the next two months to examine and judge his own principles before...

My first grandchild was born the middle of July. Today we focus on what America can do to build a better country in which my grandson, along with all others of his generation, can thrive in peace and harmony....