18 Apr The Political Impact of AI
Until now, no artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in the writing of any post on this blog. (Some readers may wonder if we have applied any intelligence at all, whether natural or artificial.)
Today, as a one-time experiment and demonstration, Principle Based Politics has asked an artificial intelligence application to write half of our post. Specifically, we asked the computer program ChatGPT by Open AI to author a 400-word blog article regarding “the future impact of artificial intelligence on United States politics.”
Without peeking first at what the computer wrote, your humble blogger did the same thing, on the same topic. We would appreciate it if you would provide feedback in the comments section on whether AI or QI (blogger Quentin’s intelligence) makes the more sensible and thoughtful points.
Article Produced by Artificial Intelligence
The Future Impact of AI on U.S. Politics: Opportunities and Challenges
Introduction: Artificial intelligence is transforming various aspects of society, including politics. In this blog post, we discuss the potential future impact of AI on United States politics, exploring its role in decision-making, campaigning, public opinion, and security, as well as the challenges it presents.
1. AI-Assisted Decision-Making: AI has the potential to revolutionize political decision-making by processing vast amounts of data and providing valuable insights and policy recommendations. This could lead to more effective policymaking, ultimately benefiting citizens. However, concerns exist about the lack of human input, reduced empathy, and perpetuation of biases in AI-assisted decision-making processes.
2. AI in Political Campaigns: AI is likely to play a more prominent role in political campaigns, helping to target voter demographics, craft persuasive messages, and engage with voters through AI-powered chatbots. This could improve campaign efficiency and effectiveness. Nevertheless, ethical concerns arise from the potential for AI-generated deepfakes and misinformation campaigns, which could erode trust in the democratic process and further polarize the electorate.
3. AI and Public Opinion: AI’s ability to track and analyze public opinion could be a game-changer for politics. By monitoring social media trends and gauging public sentiment, AI systems can provide real-time feedback to politicians, shaping policy stances and political messaging. However, there is a risk that AI’s influence might lead to more superficial political discourse, as politicians could focus on appeasing public sentiment rather than engaging in substantive discussions.
4. AI and National Security: AI is expected to play an increasingly significant role in national security, including cybersecurity and military applications. AI can help protect the United States from external threats and improve defense capabilities. However, the development of autonomous weapons raises ethical and legal concerns, and the AI arms race could destabilize the international political landscape, leading to increased tensions among nations.
5. Challenges and the Way Forward: The future impact of AI on U.S. politics presents both opportunities and challenges. As AI continues to evolve, it is essential to address the ethical and practical concerns associated with its implementation in the political sphere. Policymakers, technologists, and citizens alike must engage in open and transparent discussions to ensure responsible use of AI in politics.
Conclusion: AI has the potential to significantly impact U.S. politics, with implications for decision-making, campaigning, public opinion analysis, and national security. While it offers numerous opportunities for improvement, AI also presents challenges that require careful consideration and dialogue. As we navigate the future of AI in politics, it is vital to strike a balance between harnessing its potential and addressing the concerns it raises.
Article Written by the Blogger Himself
We can picture a candidate asking ChatGPT to write speeches or formulate policies, based on what survey data shows the people favor. Opponents instruct a similar computer application to compare the speech or policy with other things the candidate has written, looking for inconsistencies. The candidates then blast out ads, social media posts, and targeted fundraising appeals—all written by artificial intelligence—to roil controversies caused by the original AI creation.
Media and critics will jump in with artificially written and directed mass tweets and other computer-generated communications.
All the while, American politics will get farther away from candidates holding in-person meetings, kissing babies, visiting coffee shops, and other personal campaigning. More significantly, politicians will use their own cognitive abilities less and less.
Thus, the biggest negative impact of AI on politics would be a reduction in actual thinking. Relatedly, everything about campaigns and governance will become less genuine. Imagine the extreme case of someone using OpenGBT to be the actual candidate, with a website, position statements, answers to media questions, ads, emails, social media messages, and more. This would be worse than the Wizard of Oz. Worse than George Santos—not just a phony or dishonest person behind the veil, but no person at all.
That bleak word picture summarizes the downside.
The challenge will be to create new ways to use AI for political good. For voters, one positive impact is the ability to ask a computer for a short summary of the positions Candidate A takes, and the same for Candidate B. Readily accessible information is a helpful thing for voters.
In the mind of Principle Based Politics, naturally, the best scenario would be a candidate or office holder using AI to filter every action and decision to determine the most principled action the politician could take. The candidate or a staffer could use a computer application to evaluate what would be honest, bring respect to America, demonstrate integrity, promote peace, truly serve others, and treat others with dignity, and what a leader with a full understanding of the facts would do. Those are the leadership principles this blog has espoused. Another assessment could be done applying our seven foundational principles for federal governance.
A computer could run that analysis and provide a principled answer in seconds. If politicians fail to use their own intelligence to follow helpful principles, perhaps their computers could help.
Written by Quentin R. Wittrock, founder of Principle Based Politics.
Look for his posts each week, as this blog will explore and promote the idea of principle in politics, both as to individual elected leaders and our federal government as an institution.
James Loerts
Posted at 13:05h, 18 AprilI fully support AI in the political process because even “artificial” intelligence would be better than no intelligence at all.
Kim Cosens
Posted at 16:34h, 18 AprilThe biggest difference between the two blogs is humanity. The entire AI blog feels dry and dull, while yours shows human thought and perspective. It has a more human and natural feel.
I fear we are moving to a future where previous facts or agreement with the cultural narrative will drive all major decisions. Individuals and their opinions will be minimized and even ridiculed for not “being on board”. Once we lose that freedom of expression the machines will have control.
Paul Silseth
Posted at 20:12h, 20 AprilHmm, I am thinking about that one. Although thinking would be human of me, and not accepted by the “no intelligence” or even maybe the “artificial intelligence” crowd. While I have less time all the time for many conservatives or so called conservatives. The Left has always had my mind thinkng there was NO intelligence there. But, as James above states, with a bit of a twist, maybe before there was “No Intelligence,” but now it is here, it is just “Artificial Intelligence”. Artificial: Produced rather than Naturally Ocuring. Contrived, False, Insincere, Affected. Try all you want, but putting lipstick on a pig, you are still LEFT with a……. Please don’t let politicians run or ruin every part of our lives.