R is for Vivek Ramaswamy

R is for Vivek Ramaswamy

Ohio; businessman; age 38.

From the first letter to the last – using both initials and a couple of vowels – Vivek Ramaswamy’s name assists in describing him. He is VivEk RamaswamY: very unique, very “out there,” and very interesting. He is not just an American nationalist; he is the epitome of one. He is not just against the status quo; he makes tearing things down the center of his campaign. His ideas are not just creative and different from those of others; that is his essence.

We should take a close look at the extreme political stances that define the Ramaswamy crusade for the Republican nomination in 2024.

Ramaswamy’s Positions

Having never been a state governor or held any elected office like the other candidates Principle Based Politics has profiled so far,* Mr. Ramaswamy’s political views must be determined from his declarations in debates and speeches, his campaign website, and his other statements. Fortunately for us, he has made many pronouncements from which we can work.

*See A is for Asa Hutchinson (Aug. 8, 2023), C2 is for Chris Christie (Aug. 29, 2023), D is for Ron DeSantis (Sept. 5, 2023), and H is for Nikki Haley (Sept. 19, 2023).

Foremost, Ramaswamy says he would remake the entire administrative function of our federal government. To do this, he would lay off three out of every four Executive Branch employees, shutting down the Department of Education, FBI, National Regulatory Commission, IRS, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the Food and Nutrition Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, while “gutting” the Food and Drug Administration, among other changes. Employees not laid off would be limited to eight-year terms. One of Ramaswamy’s biggest emphases is on “reducing the administrative state.”

He also would “end all affirmative action” by executive order, ban certain transgender medical procedures, and take steps to “end birthright citizenship.”

Ramaswamy also has explored the idea of eliminating federal income taxes entirely and making up for any deficit by increasing inheritance taxes dramatically, which he says will “prevent family aristocracy.” Relatedly, he now is promoting a federal income tax at a flat rate of 12 percent. He would require zero-based federal budgeting.

Further, Ramaswamy speaks out against what he calls the “climate cult.” Americans should be proud to drill, frack, and burn coal, he maintains.

 “America First 2.0” is what Ramaswamy calls his views on international matters. Specifically, he would end support for Ukraine, as he sees “Communist China” as a “bigger problem.” He also says he would use the U.S. military to secure our southern border.

Oh, and he would like to raise the voting age for most Americans to 25 – which would take a constitutional amendment.

You can view additional Ramaswamy policy positions at the Ballotpedia page regarding his presidential campaign. Through that same link, you also can access related resources and information, including his campaign website.

Principles of Vivek

Since attention seeking is not one of the principles this blog promotes, we must look elsewhere to find Vivek Ramaswamy’s adherence to our values. One possibility is the principle of limited government, which could be said to be reflected (and then some) in his dramatic plans to reduce the scope of the Executive Branch and cut income taxes for many.

Our leadership principles do not come through well in the campaign positions described above. The principle of peace, for example, would be hindered rather than helped by discontinuance of support to Ukraine.

Lastly, although Donald Trump’s criminal cases do not directly involve other candidates per se, Ramaswamy has made a point to be seen as former president Trump’s biggest supporter and defender. Ramaswamy has called on all Republican candidates to pledge that they will pardon Trump if he is convicted, and he labels Trump “the best president of the 21st century.” This pandering seems to be more of a political stunt than a showing of principles like integrity or even understanding.

Written by Quentin R. Wittrock, founder of Principle Based Politics. 

Look for his posts each week, as this blog will explore and promote the idea of principle in politics, both as to individual elected leaders and our federal government as an institution.

Principle Based Politics does not endorse or support any particular candidate or party.

1 Comment
  • Darwin Wittrock
    Posted at 14:16h, 11 October Reply

    I don’t think he has a clue how to run the government.

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