Much can change in twelve months. We all know that. Much also can stay the same year after year after year. We know that, as well. Which things will change, and which will stay the same—that’s the part nobody, except God, actually knows.
Absence of complete knowledge does not stop mere mortals from spending time predicting the future. Bettors do it every day in casinos and sports books. Investors do the same in buying or selling stocks and bonds. Pollsters purport to predict votes. Weather forecasters do it at six and ten. Really, love birds project ahead when deciding whether to marry.
And Principle Based Politics will make its prognostications here for what Americans generally can expect to experience in the year ahead with respect to politics, world events…and, yes, even principles.
At the start of the year, the newly-seated Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives will initiate “investigations” into everything from Hunter Biden to the pull-out from Afghanistan. These investigations will lead to nothing, similar to the those staged by the Democrat-led House in the last six years. No surprises here.
The United States will suffer through a recession caused both by inflation (even though it has peaked) and the higher interest rates being set to slow down inflation. Unemployment rises in 2023 will seem particularly shocking after years of strong job markets.
Donald Trump will pull out of the 2024 presidential race, and Joe Biden also will end up not running. Each is the only person the other has any chance of beating, and both parties will wise up and realize that. When Messrs. Trump and Biden see they are not wanted, they will take themselves out of the race to avoid embarrassment.
Internal posturing and elbowing will occur within both major parties, as members focus on their next elections, including the suddenly wide-open race for the White House. Therefore, nothing will happen with respect to legislation related to immigration, abortion, gun control, climate change, taxes, or Social Security.
At least one strong independent presidential candidate will emerge, and one major party or the other will complain that the outsider running will accomplish nothing but to help the other side.
Major (and One Not so Major?) World Events
India will pass China as the most populous country in the world, which will be the least of China’s problems in 2023. Suppressing protests and covid will keep Xi Jinping and his Communist cronies very busy.
The Ukraine War will end, either through Vladimir Putin’s ouster internally or his death.
Finally, in the world event to end all world events, either the Vikings, Wild, Timberwolves, or Twins will obtain championship rings. You heard it here first.
We will not go through all seven of our governmental principles today, but we do offer a prediction regarding the principles of freedom and free enterprise, along with limited government. These will fare well with a divided Congress and Republican majority in the U.S. House.
Lastly and at last, we also foresee a comeback for the leadership principles of honesty, respect, integrity, peace, and dignity. The emergence of new presidential candidates, continuing economic difficulties, and our global rivals having their own problems (which will be scary for the U.S., as well), all should foster a calmer, more respectful “tone at the top” in America for 2023.
It will be a mixed year. We will need to stick together, folks. See you at the parade in Minneapolis.
Written by Quentin R. Wittrock, founder of Principle Based Politics.
Look for his posts each week, as this blog will explore and promote the idea of principle in politics, both as to individual elected leaders and our federal government as an institution.
Angela Hermanson
Posted at 21:20h, 03 JanuaryI think most of these predictions are more likely than a MN team winning the championship. I hope to be wrong, though! Thanks for the insightful predictions.
Posted at 21:26h, 03 JanuaryI hope the recession prediction doesn’t come to pass.