Comments, Please

Comments, Please

After one of our blog posts last year, Principle Based Politics received a comment in the form of this question: “With which political party are you registered to vote? Knowing what side you are on would help me evaluate the points you make.”

The above comment may tell us that the sender sees the world through the eyes of a partisan, or at least he may be a bigger fan of one “side” than the other. And our response, which explained that this humble blogger does not write on behalf of any political party, allowed us to provide a bit more context for the commenter.

Comments also allow fellow readers to assert their own thoughts on the subject raised in the comment itself or regarding the original post, producing a dialogue in which human beings are communicating and hence understanding each other better. It is for these reasons that we (and all of our readers) wish you would enter comments in the box below from time to time.*

*Some who have tried to comment in the past (particularly those using cell phones) may not have seen their message come through on the website. It seems to help if you click the little box that says “Save my name…” We recently upgraded our comment feature so that all responses and replies now should be visible within one hour.

Ten Statements for Reaction

To get the dialogue started, we offer up some brief statements designed to elicit a response. Please choose at least one of these and let us know your thoughts. If you mention the number, all readers will be sure to know which statement you are addressing.

  1.  Joe Biden should not run again.
  2.  If Donald Trump is a sure loser in a general election, which other Republican can defeat him for the 2024 presidential nomination?
  3.  Finally, this could be the Vikings’ year to win the Super Bowl.
  4.  The most important political issue in America is keeping Social Security from running out.
  5.  America could cease to exist as a free democracy by the year 2050.
  6.  Taylor Swift’s popularity will not be as long lasting as Elvis Pressley’s.
  7.  China is America’s most worrisome foreign threat.
  8.  Of the seven leadership principles espoused in this blog, the one most needed today is dignity.
  9.  Of the seven governmental principles, the most important is freedom and free enterprise.
  10.  Iowa is a far superior state to Minnesota. Or vice versa.

We could explain our point of view on these points today, but we want to give you time and the opportunity to chime in.

One Sure to Provoke Comments

Perhaps you do not feel comfortable writing in public about politics, or even about sports, music, or a particular state’s superiority. In studying the internet and social media closely, however, we have come up with the one question about which every single American seems to have an opinion.

Here goes: Cats make better pets than dogs do.*

*Gotta go and take cover.

Written by Quentin R. Wittrock, founder of Principle Based Politics. 

Look for his posts each week, as this blog will explore and promote the idea of principle in politics, both as to individual elected leaders and our federal government as an institution.

  • Brian
    Posted at 19:28h, 13 December Reply

    Topic 10: Iowa or Minnesota?

    Qualifications — I spent my first 22 years of life in Minnesota. After some time in Colorado and New Jersey, I’ve spent the past (almost) 20 years living in Iowa.

    I will assess the two states on 9 issues:

    1. Professional sports — Minnesota wins over Iowa, although except for the ’87 and ’91 Twins and ’11, 13′, ’15, and ’17 for the Lynx, in all even-numbered years, and most odd-numbered years, most Minnesota sports franchises usually lose. Then again, Iowa’s got ‘nothin, so Minnesota wins.

    2. College sports — Iowa wins over Minnesota because in Iowa the pinnacle of sports is college sports. If you love college sports, Iowa will not disappoint, except if they are playing in the Rose Bowl.

    3. High School sports — Minnesota wins this due to greater difficulty in students being able to compete at the “state championships” level. In several sports Iowa has more levels/classes than Minnesota. 64 Iowa high school runners qualify for individual events in track in Iowa with ~33,000 seniors, wherease 48 high school runners qualify in Minnesoat with ~62,000 high school seniors. It is 2.5 x harder to qualify for state in most sports in Minnesota compared to Iowa. Plus, Minnesota has hockey. I guess I could have led with that and ended this debate sooner.

    4. State and local taxes — Iowa wins. Without a doubt. Of course Minnesotans benefit from those taxes in the form of more entertainment amenaties, better infrastructure, etc., but Iowa wins if you want more money in your paycheck.

    5. Local TV news — Minnesota wins, assuming you like subtantive news. Those of you who enjoy 10-12 minutes of your evening local news cast being devoted to highlights from high school sports, Iowa would be better, but I vote for substance, and Minnesota.

    6. Traffic — Iowa. There is no traffic in Iowa.

    7. Outdoor amenities — Minnesota has lakes, bike paths, state parks (taxes do help support these). Iowa, not so much.

    8. Winter weather — Iowa. Warmer. Less snow.

    9. Bacon — Iowa produces more.

    As with many things in life, Bacon is the difference maker, so I vote overall for Iowa.

  • Angela Hermanson
    Posted at 23:48h, 13 December Reply

    #3 We better figure out how to beat the Lions first!

  • Quentin
    Posted at 23:59h, 13 December Reply

    This is brilliantly written, Brian. Having lived in each state myself for 20-plus years (but in reverse order to your experience), I agree completely with your analysis.

  • Cindy
    Posted at 15:56h, 14 December Reply

    Really enjoyed Brian’s Iowa vs. Minnesota analysis!

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