Tough Issue #3
Not totally unlike the heart-rending dilemma and moral morass America confronted in deciding whether to invade Japan or drop atomic bombs in 1945, the United States today faces a tough quandary in Ukraine.
Not totally unlike the heart-rending dilemma and moral morass America confronted in deciding whether to invade Japan or drop atomic bombs in 1945, the United States today faces a tough quandary in Ukraine.
Vladimir’s disastrous invasion is a tragedy in all respects. That is the short answer to how Mr. Putin’s war is going. We count nine facets of his catastrophic failure.
Now is the time for the democracies and all other nations that believe in human rights to step up.
Someone pointedly asked the other day, “What do you think about these gas prices under Biden?.,” You bring up the question; we give you a straight answer.
From the profoundly painful lessons of war to messages of hope and inspiration, Ukraine is teaching us a few things. Here is what we are learning and should try to remember from the current war.
People are calling the war in Ukraine the most dangerous time for world security since World War II. This tense and painful conflict cries out for reconciliation and restoration, and for peace.