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As things stand now, the Social Security trust fund will run out of cash in 2033 or ‘34, reducing everyone's checks by 23 percent. Nevertheless, federal politicians are afraid to fix Social Security to prevent the future shortfall. ...

We interrupt your Saturday morning with satirical news of a proposed new law. Warning: This may not be appropriate for young children and anyone with sensitivity or propensity to certain odors and sounds. ...

Baseball is better than politics. Whereas baseball has been a cultural icon for over a century (think “we love baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet”), politics stokes culture wars. ...

This post uses recent climate news from our large but little-known North American neighbor to focus on the excruciatingly difficult dilemma of fighting climate change while allowing continued economic growth. ...

A brilliant idea by Abraham Lincoln could work again now. For a look at how Lincoln’s wisdom just might play out eight score and three years later, please read on....

The words unclear and nuclear are identical except for reversal of the first two letters. This is fitting, given the lack of clarity surrounding the threat of a war fought with atomic weapons. We attempt to clear up this tough topic a bit and even...

Along came a trend known as “woke” It was stretched so far that it broke Progressive folk spoke it Conservative blokes poked it And now the broke woke trend’s a joke. ...

Not totally unlike the heart-rending dilemma and moral morass America confronted in deciding whether to invade Japan or drop atomic bombs in 1945, the United States today faces a tough quandary in Ukraine. ...

Donald Trump seems to enjoy expressing himself by using his phone to send out short messages to his millions of followers. Here are Trump Twitter highlights and what we would write to him....

Immigration and border control is the second particularly tough political dilemma we are tackling anew over the next months. This issue has been a problem under Presidents Obama, Trump, and Biden, and it is not going away....