I Would Like Your Input

I Would Like Your Input

After the first presidential debate tonight, I will be extremely curious to know how you readers react to it and what you now think (or hope) will happen in the election this November. Please feel free to submit either your preferences or your predictions in the comment field below, or just send me a reply email. My plan is to publish my own post-debate thoughts on the subject next week, and your input will be very helpful to me.

It will be fun if we can get a constructive and friendly debate of our own going here!

  • Doug Fish
    Posted at 23:29h, 27 June Reply

    Modern politics has a lot in common with MN All Star Wrestling from the 1960’s. Should Hillary get credit for the revival? Perhaps, not sure.
    Polarizing too; you were either for Dr X or you were for the Crusher; nothing in between. You knew who was going to win the weekly battles all which led up to the big cage match between the stars. Tonight is the 1st cage match of the sequence.
    If you don’t like Jake Tapper’s CNN you can watch the same thing on Fox News. Then you can hear what you want, without surprise, while get your post match analysis from either Bobby the Brain Heenan or Mean Gene Okerland. One of them won fair and square, and the other cheated of course. Regardless of who you side with, you’re sure to receive enough drama to keep you marching up the rematch then onto the world championship in early November.
    Much like life itself, I guess everyone still stars in their own movie…

  • Lynn Nehring
    Posted at 00:15h, 28 June Reply

    I have been anxiously awaiting this debate. I’m just hoping that Trump keeps his cool. They should both talk about the issues and concentrate on the future instead of picking at each other.

  • Jeff Newell
    Posted at 01:02h, 28 June Reply

    I ponder this every day……..with roughly 260 million voting age people in the US and these 2 guys are the best that we have?

  • Doug Fish
    Posted at 02:44h, 28 June Reply

    Money is speaking. On the betting site predictit.org you can purchase and sell candidate futures. During this 90 minute debate alone Gavin Newsome’s price jumped 140%. Trump up 9.1% Biden down 13.3%

    Did Biden say he went to France and spoke with WW2 soldiers who have died?

  • Cindy Wittrock
    Posted at 02:45h, 28 June Reply

    My thoughts exactly, Jeff! It would be really refreshing if a political party had leaders who would back a Presidential candidate worthy of the position.

  • Trudy Johnson
    Posted at 14:14h, 28 June Reply

    Wanted to watch it for laughs but our power is still out from our recent North Omaha derecho. I am not voting for either one of these clowns – still plan to write in Nicki in protest. I’m in full agreement with Jeff and Cindy – crazy that this is the best we can do. As a conservative, I wish we could get back to the basics of the Republican party. This is all a train wreck.

    • Quentin
      Posted at 14:53h, 28 June Reply

      My sentiments exactly. Thank you. Best wishes on the power up and clean up!

  • David Glesne
    Posted at 17:27h, 28 June Reply

    We may not like the choice of candidates before us, but we don’t have the luxury of a different reality. We are here and they are there. Donald Trump will be his party’s nominee and Joe Biden? – well, he may or may not be his party’s nominee. But it seems the best way to move forward is to proceed as though he will be. I hope we can get beyond personality politics. I believe it was Socrates who said, “Great people talk about ideas. Average people talk about events. Small people talk about people.” America needs great people which I hope we can be. Opposing ideas are playing themselves out before our eyes. Ideas that have huge consequences in the social, economic, and political realms. There are much weightier matters before our country that need our attention.

    NFL head coach for 19 years Bill Parcels said, “You are what your record says you are.” We are in the most enviable position to be able to compare the record of two presidents. Here would be a good place to start. Press the mute button on them both and then look at their four-year records. Which record has served the American people best? Ideas lead to policy. Which policies have a) best protected – foreign and domestic – the American people, which is government’s foremost responsibility, b) provided prosperity and well-being for members of society, c) promoted peace on both the foreign and domestic fronts, d) safeguarded and upheld the value of human life, and e) protected the freedoms we American’s cherish so deeply. The records don’t lie. A close look at the records would be worthy of our time. Thanks for this forum, Quentin!

  • Gary Russell
    Posted at 17:39h, 29 June Reply

    As I watched the debate (which was painful) and read these posts, my mind wandered back to the basics of our three branches and how far we have strayed from the constitutional authors. If our federal Gov’t was truly “limited” to the original intent, we might not place as much emphasis on each presidential election. Cindy is right…our party leaders have subjugated power to personalities and divisional culture. Our country is better than this…or used to be.
    I remember a time (not that long ago) when someone telling 30 lies, or unable to finish a coherent thought, would be struck down by his/her own party. They would simply move to another eager individual in a long line of qualified candidates. Back to our corners we go and the “lesser of two…” votes most of us will cast. How on earth do we lead and inspire from this position?

  • William Sommers
    Posted at 13:53h, 01 July Reply

    “Yes, yes, democracy is on the ballot and the future of America hangs in the balance…. Now please vote for this dead guy”


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