02 Sep What Year is This? (A Dark Satire)
We have a problem, and the problem is them. They steal our jobs. They are criminals. They don’t follow our ways. They often don’t speak our language. They certainly don’t love our country.
A different type of species, they poison the blood of our nation. They are animals. Vermin.
And there are 11 million of them living here, at least. All of them must be eliminated in order to restore our once-great nation. Or, pretty soon it won’t even be our country any more.
Solutions Needed
One answer being considered is mass deportation. We could simply round them all up and ship them away. Send them back, or send them . . . somewhere. Anywhere but here.
To do this, we would need help from insiders. We could incentivize people to turn in their neighbors, their co-workers, their enemies, and their friends. If they know someone who they suspect does not belong here, these true patriots will inform local committees, who will investigate. It will be a self-policing, grass-roots effort.
Our citizens will gladly do this, but only after we fully stoke their anger against these undesirables. We must publicize to the fullest extent every crime committed by one of the vermin. It will be especially helpful if a darling young lady, or an innocent child, is the victim of the crime. This will build rage.
We also must not let our own people take pity on them. That these interlopers were persecuted, poor, or victims themselves in an earlier life is of no matter. The fact is that they are here now, infiltrating our schools, ruining our economy, endangering our children, draining our resources, and bringing crime to our neighborhoods. They are taking advantage of us, making us look like fools.
They simply have to go. Load them on trains, buses, or trucks, and haul them away. If we must, we could put them in camps, surrounded by wire and guards.
The Final Solution
The point has been made that they will come back if we don’t exterminate them completely. This requires a bolder approach. A plan that more surely will make our country great again. The first phase in that effort could be random death squads. Gas vans, bullets to the head, fire – that kind of thing. If these approaches do not complete the genocide fast enough, extermination camps would do the job. We can work and starve them to death, then simply murder the rest with poisonous fumes. Either way, we can incinerate the bodies in furnaces.
The year? It was 1942, not 2024. The setting was outside Berlin, not inside America. The “they” were the Jews of Europe, not the undocumented migrants of the United States. The “we” was the Nazi party, not anyone here. Oh, no, no, no; it could never happen here. Right? Right? Of course it couldn’t. In this enlightened, modern era? No way. It will never again occur.
Unless we let it.
Written by Quentin R. Wittrock, founder of Principle Based Politics.
Look for his posts each week, as this blog will explore and promote the idea of principle in politics, both as to individual elected leaders and our federal government as an institution.
Principle Based Politics does not endorse or support any particular political candidate or party.
Jonah Heuer
Posted at 14:50h, 03 SeptemberYou’re seriously going to compare people wanting to end illegal immigration are Nazis? Seriously bad take Mr. Wittrock
Posted at 15:17h, 03 SeptemberI am in favor of ending illegal immigration, as you know. My post is about mass deportation being used as a rallying cry to incite the populace. I hope you have studied the roots and tactics of the Holocaust, which should not be repeated.
Steven Keith
Posted at 17:00h, 03 SeptemberWe enjoy, in the USA, the rule of Law….Law that protects our inalienable rights…Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness (i.e. follow your dreams).
If the Law is destroyed, your rights are destroyed.
Illegal immigration , from the outset, shatters the system that affords the astonishing life that our citizens, naturalized citizens, and even LEGAL residents enjoy.
Rewarding illegality is the beginning of the end.
Posted at 17:34h, 03 SeptemberI agree with the desire to prevent illegal immigration. It is the stoking of anger and resentment for political advantage, manifested in the call for mass deportation, that is a dangerous approach.
Doug Fish
Posted at 17:24h, 03 SeptemberThought provoking, well written.
Jonah Heuer
Posted at 21:29h, 03 SeptemberThis whole article makes the extravagant assumption that a call to deport foreign trespassers will necessarily be the predicat for genocidal vitriol and malice. Huge leap, and utterly unjustified. The article also offers no alternative to deportation, so I’m left to wonder what the “sensible, compassionate, respectable” solution is to several million foreign nationals residing in the country illegally?
Posted at 22:33h, 03 SeptemberThe vitriol and malice already have appeared in the rhetoric about immigrants and deportation. The best approach economically and humanely is to secure the border against illegal new entrants, expedite the asylum process, expand legal immigration allotments, and deport those who commit new crimes while here illegally.
Posted at 01:25h, 04 SeptemberHow about the current dictatorships around the world: Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, etc.–what do they have in common? They are all socialist/communist leaning giant government states–taken over by thug dictators. A huge, ever-getting bigger government model, the “deep state” so to speak, taken advantage of by a charismatic thug. They are not republican/libertarian type governments. After all, Hitler was the leader of the National Socialists…remember that?. Hitler’s socialist party, with some help from Hindenburg, took over Germany. It wasn’t the German “democrat” party, or German “republican” party. Gigantic government is dangerous all by itself–and can be taken over by a dictator. It is not realistic to deport the illegal aliens, and yes that is what they are called per federal law. It does not dehumanize them to call them illegal aliens. They are “aliens”, as from another country, and they cross our border illegally. Political correctism is the problem–not accurately describing people and events. Regardless–we are not going to do mass deportations. Orange Man is not going to do this–despite his rhetoric. Why won’t he do mass deportations? Because such an action is not practical or feasible with the checks and balances in our systems. Yet, we should track down and deport all of the criminal illegal aliens, along with those that have ties to terrorism. As I have noted in prior posts, current democrat party policies are simply bad–they win elections with the propaganda media–and because republicans are horribly mischaracterized. The Dems cannot win based purely on their policies. The Dem policy of an open border is unwise, dangerous, self-destructive and simply stupid. They are also blatantly hoping to create more Dem voters with illegal immigration. It is not just bad policy, it is bad behavior. Orange Man will not be a dictator–we won’t let him be. Like him or hate him, he clearly did not act that way as prez–even when considering Jan 6. The more likely dictator and the bigger danger–is from the left–not the right. Which is why all the current dictators preside over corrupt, giant government systems.
Posted at 01:41h, 04 SeptemberPeople often say, as you do here, that the Democrats have a “policy of an open border.” I’ve never seen anything resembling that “policy.” Hundreds of thousands of people are detained annually for illegally crossing the border, with thousands of federal agents working to keep them out. How is that “open,” let alone “wide open”? Regarding your concession that Trump is not really going to conduct mass deportations, I think that goes to his honesty, then, instead of his harmfulness. I hope you aren’t using that as a reason to vote for him.
Posted at 03:50h, 04 SeptemberFind me a single politician from either side. Including Harris and Trump, that do not engage in hyperbole, exaggeration, embellishments, lying, etc. I vote based on policy..not personality. As to the border, I respectfullly disagree. The Dems purposely opened the border…I don’t know how that point can be disputed. Technically, yes there are border agents, etc..but when Texas closed portions of the border..the current administration brought litigation to remove the barriers. They wanted an open border. Now, because the election is close, they are taking steps to manage it better. There is too much bs on politics….maciavelliian behavior. We can do better by focusing o.n real world solutions and policies.
Posted at 04:41h, 04 SeptemberBy the way, Mr. Wittrock, I admire your idealism. Old age and cynicism are creeping up on me.
paul Silseth
Posted at 13:11h, 04 SeptemberYou have become either the guy I love to hate, or the guy I hate to love. I cant decide. Are you a rhino? A Democrat (not far left but prefer the Democrats,) or a Republican , (not far right) ? I guess all the republican’s hollering and making a scene about an open border is just that, a bunch of hooting and hollering, trying to make their side appear concerned about the US or maybe us. I agree mass deportation is probably not the answer or even good for us as a future nation. But it appears that if we continue down the road that you suggest ( quietly going for the democrats) we won’t have a nation anyway. If there would have been concern for us as citizens and our borders, we may not be in this predicament. The Harris interview I think of is when asked if she had been to the border she replied “And I haven’t been to Europe either. Not my kind of leader. You are really hard to figure out. Maybe you do have a future in politics.
Posted at 14:09h, 04 SeptemberPaul, my political views are nuanced. I realize that is unusual and makes it difficult to categorize me. I believe in principles over partisan politics.
Laurie Bergren
Posted at 15:14h, 04 SeptemberCongratulations on a very well written satire. Nicely done. As for the comments section, I don’t know what discourages and saddens me more: the fact that so many of your readers are choosing to miss your point about the dangerous rhetoric, or the fact that they choose to believe the (entirely false) narrative about Democrats favoring an open border policy. At least you clearly labeled your blog post as “Satire.” If only Fox “News” would do the same with all its opinion shows.
Kathy Grussing
Posted at 19:10h, 04 SeptemberI am somewhat surprised how irritated some of the respondents have been at the satiric portrayal of immigrants as being victims and oppressed. They quickly jumped to the conclusion that immigrants are illegal immigrants (aren’t they all?). They seem to have missed what I believe to be your point that dangerous rhetoric as in “poisoning the blood of our country” can have consequences far beyond what the speaker intended. I am quite sure there is a group of people out there willing to blame all of our problems on the immigrants and willing to endorse any means necessary to remove them. When Congress came up with a rare bipartisan deal to address some of the issues at the border, the orange guy made the Repubs in Congress kill it. Why? He didn’t want any of it solved during Biden’s presidency. I guess he thought the problems at the border could wait.
Hyun Kim
Posted at 22:32h, 04 SeptemberAs a “legal immigrant” my main concern on the possibility of mass deportation is when does it end. Will the thought of mass deportation of illegal immigrants lead to deportation of immigrants, non-white immigrants?
Michael Hoffman
Posted at 15:59h, 05 SeptemberMy good friend Quentin: My family owns agricultural land near the U.S./Mexico border (Cochise County, Arizona). In my personal observations, the U.S. border with Mexico has become vastly more “open” than any prior years in recent history (we acquired our land in 1970). What caused this change? The Biden-Harris administration (along with certain left-leaning governors) have given the signal (directly or indirectly through rhetoric) that the consequences of being an illegal immigrant are low. As a matter of fact, illegal immigration is often rewarded with free benefits.
Comparing a strong border with Nazi German’s war on the Jewish faith is (as others have pointed out) a counter-productive cheap shot. A message needs to be clearly communicated to the entire world that the U.S. border is strong and that illegal immigration is not acceptable.
My own mother was an immigrant (1953). Let me clearly confirm, my mother was a LEGAL immigrant.
Posted at 20:45h, 05 SeptemberHi Michael! I, too, am strongly in favor of strong borders. No one (including Republicans) should ever even whisper that our border is “open” or “wide open,” as that encourages illegal immigration. My post was satirically expressing concern over the ugly rhetoric about mass deportation, which is another thing. Hope to see you again soon.